SRV2000-75B/65B - Direct Valve -
- Overview
- Description of Products
- Features
- Specifications

75B for TF640M, TF745M, TF74
65B for TF516MH
Relay of water from one fire pump to another
Description of SRV2000-75B/65B

Easy water delivery/discharge in mountains, without complicated adjustment work with several people.
Your Shibaura fire pump can be used as an auto-relay fire pump by equipping the DIRECT VALVE with your fire pump.
Water discharge pressure will not be changed even if the delivery pressure of the relay pump is changed.
Moreover, there are some other advantages listed as 1) through 6) below.
1) No need of messengers and/or transceiver.
2) No need of water pool for joint.
3) Easy attachment without any tools.
4) No need of water drainage.
5) Can be used even if water discharge valve is closed.
6) Capability of max. delivery volume is 2,000 liter per minute.
In case fire-fighting vehicle cannot reach a particular place due to steep and narrow roads, Shibaura direct valve will give you great advantage in fire fighting operation.
Relay of water from one fire pump to another in forest fire usage without complicated adjustment work with several people.
Long distance relay operations in urban area fire.
Fire hydrant usage.
- Name: SRV2000-75B / SRV2000-65B
- Suction Port: 75mm / 65mm
- Discharge Port: 65mm
- Discharge Pressure: 2MPa
- Discharge Volume 75B (MAX/STD): 2000/1700 Liter/min
- Discharge Volume 65B (MAX/STD): 2000/1500 Liter/min
- Dimension:L202xW192xH180mm
- Weight: 3.9kg